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Fundación UGK
el brazo social de Fedecocagua


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Request of a group of women for

The Laying Hens Project of the Cooperative La Todosanterita 


Receive cordial greetings from the group of 30 small business owners of the Cooperative la Todosanterita R.L. First we want to tell you about the work we have been doing during these five years of the Laying Hens Project, which began in 2019 when we could buy the chickens, thanks to a grant of the USAID's Coffee Value Chains Project and funds from FEDECOCAGUA R.L.

Always based on the laying hens project, we have managed to address important topics such as healthy food preparation in the family, personal and home hygiene. A savings bank was also implemented where we deposited the little of profit each month, thus facilitating the purchase of concentrate, vitamins, vaccines and more chickens to be able to increase our sales. As with the Fedecocagua crisis and due to the much higher price of basic food, the capital accumulated by women was exhausted, we send you this request.

We thank you for supporting the purchase of new laying hens with a donation of $3,750.00. This will allow us to promote women's activities in the community and encourage the creation of small businesses, allowing women to contribute to improving the quality of life of their family. We have the desire to move forward thanks to the support of action 365 and look forward to showing you the results we will achieve thanks to you throughout the year.

In return, we will cover costs of 6,000 quetzales or $770.00 for the purchase of concentrate, sawdust, vitamins and vaccines.

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