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Education projects in the Cooperativa La Todosanterita


One of the first projects of the UGK Foundation was the construction of eight classrooms in three communities in the municipality of Yupiltepeque. It was a great achievement that we celebrated in 2019, with the sponsors from England, children of the primary school and students of the high school, the teaching staff as well as with the mayor of the municipality - who had consistently supported us - and the people of three beneficiary communities.

On this page we present projects that benefited the Cooperative la Todosanterita, located in Tuiboch near the Mexican border, a hamlet in the munacipality of Todos Santos (Huehuetenango) Norwegian sponsors first helped improve the  unpaved schoolyard by paving and roofing it, then facilitated the building of a classroom for kindergarten. Furthermore the UGK Foundation has been financing itself part of a teacher's wages since many years.

But let's give the floor to Victorina, who for 5 years got a scholarship to complete the highschool and get a diploma as an accountant. In all these years she proved with excellent grades what her potential is. In the interview, she also tells about the consequences of Covid-19 for the people of her village and how her studies have changed for the pandemic.

The interview ends with these words: "I am very grateful to all the staff who work at the Cooperativa La Todosanterita since through them and the UGK Foundation I have received the scholarship since 2015. Our community also owes the realization of other projects to the Cooperative. La Todosanterita benefits both the memebers and the rest of the inhabitants of Tuiboch. Don Felipe Pérez Pablo, the manager, is a great person. He and the board members know what to do for the community and help its development - collaborating always loyally with Fedecocagua, the Federation with which they have been working since 1990."

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